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react-rails with jbuilder doesn't work

I try to use react-rails with jbuilder. For example, I use this great sample app of react-rails and try to rewrite to use jbuilder as a json response using reference from this part in react-rails.

These are the main rewrite parts:

# app/views/comments/index.html.erb
<%= react_component 'CommentBox', render(template: 'comments/index.json.jbuilder'), {prerender: true} %>
# app/views/comments/index.json.jbuilder
json.presenter do
  json.comments(@comments) do |comment|
    json.extract! comment, :id, :author
  json.form do
    json.action comments_path
    json.csrf_param request_forgery_protection_token
    json.csrf_token form_authenticity_token
json.imgSrc image_path("gundam.jpg")

But I got an following error:

Started GET "/comments" for at 2015-04-07 18:26:40 +0900
Processing by CommentsController#index as HTML
  Comment Load (0.9ms)  SELECT  "comments".* FROM "comments"   ORDER BY "comments"."id" DESC LIMIT 5
  Rendered comments/index.json.jbuilder (8.4ms)
  Rendered comments/index.html.erb within layouts/application (34.6ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 43ms

ActionView::Template::Error (SyntaxError: Unexpected token o):
  app/views/comments/index.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_comments_index_html_erb___3472795088323540071_70123597415980'

Do you have any idea to solve this error? Thanks in advance.

see full source code: Use jbuilder but it gets an error · jwako/sample-react-rails-app@508d581


  • It looks like the unexpected token is raised because the CommentBox component is calling JSON.parse() in getInitialState when this.props.presenter is already a JSON object.

    You can fix it by removing JSON.parse() in getInitialState and returning only this.props.presenter.

    Here is a related answer on parsing existing JSON objects.