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Add multiple files to output for extra compiler Qt

I am in trouble with adding multiple files to output for Qt extra compiler.
Here's how my extra compiler looks like:

 new_target.input = $${INPUT_HEADERS}
 new_target.output  = $${OUTPUT_FILES}
 new_target.commands = python $${SCRIPT_NAME}.py $${CONFIG_FILE} --generate
 new_target.CONFIG += target_predeps
 new_target.variable_out = SOURCES
 new_target.dependency_type = TYPE_C

Everything works fine until $${OUTPUT_FILES} does not contain multiple files.(for example: OUTPUT_FILES=first.cpp second.cpp third.cpp )
As a result qmake recognizes only first one mentioned.
Is it possible to pass multiple files to .output field?
I'm using Qt 4.8.6


  • As the docs say:

    output - The filename that is created from the custom compiler.

    Output should be one single file, not multiple. Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you may need to create a separate compiler target for each output file, or do in a loop using for(iterate, list):

    OUTPUT_TARGETS=first second third
        eval($${_TARGET}.input = INPUT_HEADERS)
        eval($${_TARGET}.output = $${_TARGET}.cpp)