I can specify schema with CREATE TABLE or DROP TABLE:
sqlQuery(odbcConnect("Hive"), "DROP TABLE schema.table;")
but not with ALTER TABLE:
sqlQuery(odbcConnect("Hive"), "ALTER TABLE schema.table RENAME TO schema.new_table;")
Error message: ...mismatched input 'RENAME' expecting KW_EXCHANGE near 'table' in alter exchange partition
This didn't work either:
sqlQuery(odbcConnect("Hive"), "USE schema; ALTER TABLE table RENAME TO new_table;")
Error message: ...missing EOF at ';' near 'schema'
P.S. In the end, I worked around this problem using INSERT INTO TABLE. I'd still like to know the answer to the original question, though.
If possible, you might try upgrading to at least Hive 0.14.0.
The issue with Hive not handling a schema in ALTER TABLE schema.table statements was resolved in Hive 0.14.0 See the following JIRA on this issue:
If you can upgrade, the original "ALTER TABLE schema.table" command will work.