I would like to know which is the more correct way to name the tables and fields in a MySQL database .
And how to differentiate tables that are intermediate tables .
Table name: users or user
foreign key columns: user_id or id or user_ID
Table with two words: purchased_point or point_puchased or pointpuchased
Itermediate table (many to many) users_sites or user_sites or usersites
Is there a some "style guide" like: https://www.codeigniter.com/user_guide/general/styleguide.html
All caps. Different words separator is _ underscore.
Master or parent tables prefix MSTR Child tables prefix MPNG Transaction tables where multiple parents are referred as TRXN
Post fix all tables as _TBL
Use singular names for tables as user and not users
These conventions i follow. Makes simpler to read.