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VirtueMart add file(pdf) to product

I'm trying to add a pdf file in my products via an input field in the admin product page, in the description section. For now I've created the field (product_file) in the view part and it sends the attached pdf. My issues is that I don't know exactly where the form sends the params and I can't assign my product_file field to save the name as a string in the database and at the same time to save the file as pdf in a folder in the main directory. I work with Joomla 3.4.1 and Virtuemart Any advice is greatly appreciated.

p.s. I know that there is paid extension for VM3, but I do not have the resources for that.


  • You should create a new custom field with these settings:

    Custom Field Type: String
    Title: File
    Layout position: file

    Then put the following code to the: templates/*your_template/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/default.php (copied from: components/com_virtuemart/sublayouts/customfields.php and customized position).

    $product = $this->product;
    $position = 'file';
    $class = 'product-fields';  
    if (!empty($product->customfieldsSorted[$position])) {
        $custom_title = null;
        foreach ($product->customfieldsSorted[$position] as $field) {
            if ( $field->is_hidden ) //OSP
            ?><div class="product-field product-field-type-<?php echo $field->field_type ?>">
                <?php if (!$customTitle and $field->custom_title != $custom_title and $field->show_title) { ?>
                    <span class="product-fields-title-wrapper"><span class="product-fields-title"><strong><?php echo vmText::_ ($field->custom_title) ?></strong></span>
                        <?php if ($field->custom_tip) {
                            echo JHtml::tooltip ($field->custom_tip, vmText::_ ($field->custom_title), 'tooltip.png');
                        } ?></span>
                <?php }
                if (!empty($field->display)){
                    ?><div class="product-field-display"><a href="images/stories/virtuemart/pdf/<?php echo $field->display; ?>">pdf file</a></div><?php
                if (!empty($field->custom_desc)){
                    ?><div class="product-field-desc"><?php echo vmText::_($field->custom_desc) ?></div> <?php
            $custom_title = $field->custom_title;

    The pdf file has to be added to images/stories/virtuemart/pdf/ folder.