I am trying to run my approvals tests from nUnit under TeamCity
[assembly: FrontLoadedReporter(typeof(TeamCityReporter))]
public void Test()
Unfortunately test fails because approvals is trying to pick up the approved file from C drive.
Test(s) failed. ApprovalTests.Core.Exceptions.ApprovalMissingException : Failed Approval: Approval File "C:\...approved.txt" Not Found.
Is there anyway I can specify right location for my approval files?
It is appeared that TeamCityReporter was hiding real reason of this issue.
Here is result of local run and output of approvals test with listed solutions.
System.Exception : Could Not Detect Test Framework
Either: 1) Optimizer Inlined Test Methods
Solutions: a) Add [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] b) Set Build->Opitmize Code to False & Build->Advanced->DebugInfo to Full
or 2) Approvals is not set up to use your test framework. It currently supports [NUnit, MsTest, MbUnit, xUnit.net, xUnit.extensions, Machine.Specifications (MSpec)]
Solution: To add one use ApprovalTests.Namers.StackTraceParsers.StackTraceParser.AddParser() method to add implementation of ApprovalTests.Namers.StackTraceParsers.IStackTraceParser with support for your testing framework. To learn how to implement one see http://blog.approvaltests.com/2012/01/creating-namers.html
It was tricky to catch because usually local run is done under Debug while deployment and tests under Release. Nevertheless I hope the question and answer will be helpful for somebody else.