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How to override gatling.conf for graphite configuration?

I downloaded gatling as a maven dependency and now I'm looking for how to override the gatling.conf file to configure the connection between gatling and graphite.

So I created a gatling.conf file like that :

data {
  writers = [console, file, graphite] # The list of DataWriters to which Gatling write simulation data (currently supported : console, file, graphite, jdbc)
  reader = file             # The DataReader used by the charting engine for reading simulation results
  console {
    light = false           # When set to true, displays a light version without detailed request stats
  file {
    bufferSize = 8192       # FileDataWriter's internal data buffer size, in bytes
  leak {
    noActivityTimeout = 30  # Period, in seconds, for which Gatling may have no activity before considering a leak may be happening
  graphite {
    light = false              # only send the all* stats
    host = "" # The host where the Carbon server is located
    port = 1010                # The port to which the Carbon server listens to (2003 is default for plaintext, 2004 is default for pickle)
    protocol = "tcp"           # The protocol used to send data to Carbon (currently supported : "tcp", "udp")
    rootPathPrefix = "gatling" # The common prefix of all metrics sent to Graphite
    bufferSize = 8192          # GraphiteDataWriter's internal data buffer size, in bytes
    writeInterval = 1          # GraphiteDataWriter's write interval, in seconds

Inside my src/main/resources/conf/gatling.conf

Here's my pom.xml :

                            <!-- Default values -->

What I'm doing wrong, there's an other way to do that with a config file ? Or I'll have to override all the options with jvm args ?



  • You're missing the configuration root, gatling. Therefore, your values overrides nothing. Wrap your data { … } block in a gatling { … } block and it'll work.