I've a generic_connection
class generic_connection: public boost::enable_shared_from_this<generic_connection>
Now I want to subclass it and create
class agent_connection: public generic_connection
does agent_connection
need to derive from boost::enable_shared_from_this<agent_connection>
again ?
You dont need to derieve again. But, this has some problems, for example you cannot do call like this
or this
boost::bind(&agent_connection::method, shared_from_this())
To solve this, you should do templated inheritance:
template <typename T>
class generic_connection :
public boost::enable_shared_from_this<T> {
class agent_connection : public generic_connection< agent_connection > {
This makes agent_connection
more complicated, but you wont need to cast shared_ptr
any time you use it.