I would like to fetch multiple files at once using the new fetch api (https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/). Is is possible natively? If so, how should I do it leveraging the promises?
var list = [];
var urls = ['1.html', '2.html', '3.html'];
var results = [];
urls.forEach(function(url, i) { // (1)
list.push( // (2)
results[i] = res.blob(); // (3)
.all(list) // (4)
.then(function() {
alert('all requests finished!'); // (5)
This is untested code! Additionally, it relies on Array.prototype.forEach
and the new Promise
object of ES6. The idea works like this:
API, store the returned promise in list
are resolved (i.e., all requests finished).results