In a C#/WPF application I added a TypeConverter attribute to some of my enums in order to display a localized text instead of the text of the enum:
public enum MyEnum
EnumVal1 = 0,
EnumVal2 = 1,
EnumVal3 = 2,
I have implemented LocalizedEnumTypeConverter to perform this task.
The problem arises when I try to use the same approach with an enum that is defined in another assembly, that has no access to LocalizedEnumTypeConverter, and it is shared with other applications (that is, I cannot add a reference to the assembly where LocalizedEnumTypeConverter is defined).
Is there a way to add the TypeConverter attribute in runtime? This way I can leave the enum in the other assembly without the TypeConverter attribute, and then add it in runtime in my application.
This can be done using TypeDescriptor class Refer the below sample.
Attribute[] newAttributes = new Attribute[1];
newAttributes[0] = new TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(LocalizedEnumTypeConverter));
TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(typeof(MyEnum), newAttributes);