I'm currently trying to develop an simple application that allows user to add new pushpins. I'm currently using following code to add new pushpins,
Pushpin pushpin1 = new Pushpin();
pushpin1.GeoCoordinate = MyGeoPosition;
pushpin1.Content = "My car";
MapOverlay overlay1 = new MapOverlay();
overlay1.Content = pushpin1;
overlay1.GeoCoordinate = MyGeoPosition;
But, to use this code, I need the latitude and longitude of the location that user has selected. So how can I get the latitude and longitude of the location that user has selected. (Simply geo-coordinate) I know I need to write a event handler, But I don't know the way that it has to be implemented... Thank you...
Try This
MapA = new Map();
MapA.Tap += MapA_Tap;
void MapA_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
GeoCoordinate location = MapA.ConvertViewportPointToGeoCoordinate(e.GetPosition(MapA));
//display pushpin by using location.latitude and location.longitude