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Query DBPedia on "is [property] of"

I want to obtain a list of "is [property] of" items.

For example, Barack Obama on DBPedia has both "successor" as property and "is successor of" properties (with different successors!).

The first I can get with the following SPARQL query:

PREFIX ont: <>
PREFIX obama: <>
SELECT ?successor
    obama: ont:successor ?successor

How, can I get the list of items that satisfy "is successor of" criteria?


  • If you look closely, most of the is [property] of are defined as a has [property]. For example, the is successor of is defined as predecessor. Thus in your case you need to change your query to:

    PREFIX obama: <>
    SELECT *
        obama: dbpprop:predecessor ?successor

    Just explore the main properties of DBpedia and such things pop out. Or as Jashua mentioned change the direction of the query:

    PREFIX obama: <>
    SELECT *
          ?successor dbpprop:successor obama: