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Convert bash function to fish's

Can someone help me convert this bash function to fish? It would also be nice if you could explain what these do like "${}”, 's/ /.*/g’, "$@\” etc.

bid() {
    local shortname location

    # combine all args as regex
    # (and remove ".app" from the end if it exists due to autocomplete)
    shortname=$(echo "${}"|sed 's/ /.*/g')
    # if the file is a full match in apps folder, roll with it
    if [ -d "/Applications/$" ]; then
    else # otherwise, start searching
        location=$(mdfind -onlyin /Applications -onlyin ~/Applications -onlyin /Developer/Applications 'kMDItemKind==Application'|awk -F '/' -v re="$shortname" 'tolower($NF) ~ re {print $0}'|head -n1)
    # No results? Die.
    [[ -z $location || $location = "" ]] && echo "$1 not found, I quit" && return
    # Otherwise, find the bundleid using spotlight metadata
    bundleid=$(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -r "$location")
    # return the result or an error message
    [[ -z $bundleid || $bundleid = "" ]] && echo "Error getting bundle ID for \"$@\"" || echo "$location: $bundleid”

Thanks very much in advance.


  • Some notes on the differences:

    • setting variables
      • bash: var=value
      • fish: set var value
    • functions
      • bash
        funcName() {
      • fish
        function funcName
    • function arguments
      • bash: "$@", "$1", "$2", ...
      • fish: $argv, $argv[1], $argv[2], ...
    • function local variables
      • bash: local var
      • fish: set -l var
    • conditionals I
      • bash: [[ ... ]] and test ... and [ ... ]
      • fish: test ... and [ ... ], no [[ ... ]]
    • conditionals II
      • bash: if cond; then cmds; fi
      • fish: if cond; cmds; end
    • conditionals III
      • bash: cmd1 && cmd2
      • fish: cmd1; and cmd2
      • fish (as of fish 3.0): cmd1 && cmd2
    • command substitution
      • bash: output=$(pipeline)
      • fish: set output (pipeline)
    • process substitution
      • bash: join <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
      • fish: join (sort file1 | psub) (sort file2 | psub)
