I want to use Flurry in my Xamarin application. To do that I need to use Flurry Analytics for Android, which is a .jar file.
To do that I have created Bindings Library and included FlurryAnalytics-4.2.0.jar as an InputJar. But after buliding I get this error:
Com.Flurry.Sdk.Eg' already defines a member called 'A' with the same parameter types
And indeed Binding Library generates two methods called 'A' with same parameters but with different code inside of them.
Deleting one of the methods manully does not work. Adding special line to Metadata.xml file may rename methods, but at least one of these methods is needed (I do not know which one).
Does anyone know how can I solve this problem?
Here is ready solution, cheers!
class Flurry
public const string ApiKeyValue = "YOUR_API_KEY";
private readonly IntPtr _flurryClass;
private readonly IntPtr _flurryOnStartSession;
private readonly IntPtr _flurryOnEndSession;
private readonly IntPtr _flurrySetContinueSessionMillis;
public Flurry()
_flurryClass = JNIEnv.FindClass("com/flurry/android/FlurryAgent");
_flurryOnStartSession = JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID(_flurryClass, "onStartSession", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;)V");
_flurryOnEndSession = JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID(_flurryClass, "onEndSession", "(Landroid/content/Context;)V");
_flurrySetContinueSessionMillis = JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID(_flurryClass, "setContinueSessionMillis", "(J)V");
public void OnStartActivity(Activity activity)
JNIEnv.CallStaticVoidMethod(_flurryClass, _flurryOnStartSession, new JValue(activity), new JValue(new Java.Lang.String(ApiKeyValue)));
catch (Exception) { }
public void OnStopActivity(Activity activity)
JNIEnv.CallStaticVoidMethod(_flurryClass, _flurryOnEndSession, new JValue(activity));
catch (Exception) { }
public void setContinueSessionMillis(long millis)
JNIEnv.CallStaticVoidMethod(_flurryClass, _flurrySetContinueSessionMillis, new JValue(millis));
catch (Exception) { }