I want to use gradle v2.3 configurations to package my application in two ways:
I can perform each of those two tasks if i modify build.gradle files every time I want different packaging.
I would like to use configurations to choose if jars are included in war files or not by using gradle build<ConfigurationName>
Based on help and StackOverflow post How to use uploadConfigurationName and buildConfigurationName I composed the following file (this is for one of the wars):
apply plugin: 'war'
configurations {
dependencies {
configurations.packEar {
providedCompile project(':Common') // jars will be included using earlib
configurations.packWar {
compile project(':Common') // jars included in war
artifacts {
packWar war
packEar war
The problem is that commands gradle buildpackWar
and gradle buildpackEar
produce equal wars that do not include jars from Common
If I change configuration of packEar from providedCompile
to compile
both produce war with jars included.
Additional info: I tried using extendFrom compile / providedCompile
but it didnt seem to affect anything. I included buildpackWar
and buildpackEar
methods but it didn't work either (might have been that I used those in a wrong way).
Thank you for your answers!
Best regards, Ziga
using the info provided by Ben Navetta I managed to produce a working configuration, it only required a few minor adjustments. Here are the files
ACL war
apply plugin: 'war'
apply plugin: 'eclipse-wtp'
configurations {
publishedWar // need this so war gets placed in ear instead of jar,
// using archives puts both wars in ear
dependencies {
providedCompile project(':Common');
shareable project(':Common');
war {
baseName = war.baseName + '-thin'
classpath = war.classpath
task standaloneWar(type: War, dependsOn: war) {
baseName = project.name // sharable war's name without modifications
classpath = war.classpath + configurations.shareable
artifacts {
archives standaloneWar
publishedWar war // to be included in ear
providedCompile project(':Common');
is omitted this will not
compile EAR
apply plugin: 'ear'
evaluationDependsOn ':ACL' // probably not needed
dependencies {
deploy project(path: ':ACL', configuration: 'publishedWar')
earlib project(path: ':ACL', configuration: 'shareable')
ear {
deploymentDescriptor {
webModule ('ACL-thin.war', "${project.name}/ACL") // set context root
earlib project(path: ':ACL', configuration: 'shareable')
changing to earlib project(':Common')
or you will have to modify deployment assembly in eclipse (the war will be included in ear's lib folder in eclipse