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MTM 2012 - Test Case status automatically reset to active

it does sound strange, but sometimes it happens that the status of a test case that was run a couple of days ago is automatically reset to active. Do you have any idea why, or where to start investigating?

I mention that:

  • we did press save and close after the run (the test case was shown as passed for a couple of days);
  • the test was not included in any other test suite;
  • the test is a manual one;
  • it did not happen for test belonging to suits that were marked as completed;
  • We are using MTM 2012.



  • I only know a similar behavior regarding automated tests.

    You will observe this if

    • you associate your automated test run with a CI or nightly build AND
    • if you set up a *Retention Policy" for these build AND
    • if "Build Delete Options" are set like this: enter image description here

    In this case the test runs will be deleted along with the build.
    But it only applies to automated tests to my knowledge...

    The behaviour you are observing is kind of similar one: your most recent manual test run gets deleted for some reason; that is the only reason I can imagine for a test case being reset to active "automatically".

    Try to investigate in this direction; means what in your environment can cause manual test run to be deleted?