Some countries are observing daylight saving, but I want to get the timezone name irrespective of daylight saving.
In short I want standard time of such countries instead of daylight saving time.
Is there any way to convert this or anything else?
P.S. I want this because of my server requirement.
I have seen this reference in apple.
+ (instancetype)timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:(NSInteger)seconds
Discussion The name of the new time zone is GMT +/– the offset, in hours and minutes. Time zones created with this method never have daylight savings, and the offset is constant no matter the date.
But I wonder how it will useful to me for my problem? As I want timezone name without daylight saving not any time with offset.
It was actually this
typedef enum : NSInteger {
} NSTimeZoneNameStyle;
The enum answered it for me. My bad , I should have read this earlier.