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Multipage Google Forms, point the respondent forward to a given page

Would anyone please be so kind as to provide me with a working example of a GoogleApps script to generate a three-page Google Form, whose first ListItem question would contain page-number choices that would point the respondent to Page 2 or 3, with some questions already present on Pages 2 and 3? It seems perfectly possible to point to a deliberate page only when the pages are empty, but it does not work when questions are added on the pages.Having run into this problem, I have found two contributions on Stack Overflow (see below, including the code I also tried), where the problem remains unsolved, with answers limited to empty pages only.

Many thanks for a working piece of code.

Google forms: Assign questions to Page Break and go to page


  • but it does not work when questions are added

    ...providing the code that didn't work for you is best, but modifying my previous example you linked...

    function myFunction() {
      var title = 'GoToPage item example';
      var form = FormApp.create('My form example')
      // Create pages and items in order
      var item1 = form.addListItem().setTitle('First question');
      var page2 = form.addPageBreakItem().setTitle('Second page');
      var item2 = form.addListItem().setTitle('Second question')
      var page3 = form.addPageBreakItem().setTitle('Third page');
      var item3 = form.addTextItem().setTitle('Third question')
      // Now set item choices
         item1.createChoice('Choice 1',page2),
         item1.createChoice('Choice 2',page3)
         item2.createChoice('Choice 3',page3),
         item2.createChoice('Choice 4',FormApp.PageNavigationType.SUBMIT)