I am working on angularjs project.
In app.js I used addResponseInterceptor to intercept every request to the server. If there is no error (response.status == 200 OK) in response then it works perfect. But I want to intercept particularly when (response.status == 401). In this case I want to redirect user to the login page. But it's not working.
Here is my app.js addResponseInterceptor's code :
RestangularProvider.addResponseInterceptor(function(data, operation, what, url, response, deferred) {
if (response.status === 401)
window.location = 'To the login page';
} else
var extractedData;
extractedData = data;
return extractedData;
I got these error when request refuse to get data
I tried to debug the response by "console.log(response)" But It not displaying anything. It seems like if there is error in response then it not entering into thr interceptor block.
what you need is error-intecetpr. example below
Restangular.setErrorInterceptor(function(response, deferred, responseHandler) {
if(response.status === 403) {
refreshAccesstoken().then(function() {
// Repeat the request and then call the handlers the usual way.
$http(response.config).then(responseHandler, deferred.reject);
// Be aware that no request interceptors are called this way.
return false; // error handled
return true; // error not handled