Please note, the reason I'm answering this is because the documentation is not detailed enough and I had trouble installing LibSVM on OS X on my first try. After much tinkering, this is the best procedure I have come up with so far.
Yes, it is much quicker and more accurate for nonlinear kernels. Performance wasn't significantly difference from my experience for linear kernels. I'm running OS X v10.10.2 Yosemite as well.
Here are the instructions to install LibSVM:
- Download the zip from their website and extract it if Safari hasn't already.
- Install Xcode so that LibSVM can compile MEX
- Restart/open Matlab. You need to open Matlab again for it to detect Xcode.
- Use "cd" command to navigate the working directory to "LIBSVM_FOLDER/libsvm-3.20/matlab/". If you type ls, you should see "make.m".
- Type "make" to run the "make.m" script.
- The .mexmaci64 and .mexw64 files for libsvmread/libsvmwrite/svmtrain/svmpredict will be created. svmtrain/svmpredict are your Matlab functions that you can call from your Matlab console to use libsvm.
For more information, please visit
- Use the help command to see the function's help text
- You can rename these files to your liking to rename the function name
- I renamed and created a wrapper functions around svmtrain/svmpredict called libsvmclassify/libsvmtrain to remain consistent with Matlab nomenclature and input format
- Make sure to have these files in your working directory or "addpath" to them
- Don't forget to cite their paper when you use LibSVM for research