I'm working on a project in which a rod is attached at one end to a rotating shaft. So, as the shaft rotates from 0 to ~100 degrees back-and-forth (in the xy plane), so does the rod. I mounted a 3-axis accelerometer at the end of the moving rod, and I measured the distance of the accelerometer from the center of rotation (i.e., the length of the rod) to be about 38 cm. I have collected a lot of data, but I'm in need of help to find the best method to filter it. First, here's a plot of the raw data:
I think the data makes sense: if it's ramping up, then then I think at that point the acceleration should be linearly increasing, and then when it's ramping down, it should linearly decrease. If its moving constantly, the acceleration will be ~zero. Keep in mind though that sometimes the speed changes (is higher) from one "trial" to the other. In this case, there were ~120 "trials" or movements/sweeps, data sampled at 148 Hz.
For filtering, I've tried a low pass filter and then an exponentially decreasing moving average, and both plots weren't too hot. And although I'm not good at interpreting these: here is what I got when coding a power frequency plot:
What I was hoping to get help with here is, attain a really good method by which I can filter this data. The one thing that keeps coming up again time and time again (especially on this site) is the Kalman filter. While there's lots of code online that helps implementing these in MATLAB, I haven't been able to actually understand it that great, and therefore neglect to include my work on it here. So, is a kalman filter appropriate here, for rotational acceleration? If so, can someone help me implement one in matlab and interpret it? Is there something I'm not seeing that may be just as good/better that is relatively simple?
Here's the data I'm talking about. Looking at it more closely/zooming in gives a better appreciation for what's going on in the movement, I think:
Edit: OK, here is the plot of both relavent dimensions collected from the accelerometer. I am neglecting to include the up and down dimension as the accelerometer shows a near constant ~1 G, so I think its safe to say its not capturing much rotational motion. Red is what I believe is the centripetal component, and blue is tangential. I have no idea how to combine them though, which is why I (maybe wrongfully?) ignored it in my post.
And here is the data for the other dimension:
Forget the Kalman filter, see the note at the end of the answer for the reason why.
Using a simple moving average filter (like I showed you on an earlier reply if i recall) which is in essence a low-pass filter :
n = 30 ; %// length of the filter
kernel = ones(1,n)./n ;
ysm = filter( kernel , 1 , flipud(filter( kernel , 1 , flipud(y) )) ) ;
%// assuming your data "y" are in COLUMN (otherwise change 'flipud' to 'fliplr')
note: if you have access to the curvefit
toolbox, you can simply use: ys = smooth(y,30) ;
to get nearly the same result.
I get:
which once zoomed look like:
You can play with the parameter n
to increase or decrease the smoothing.
The gray signal is your original signal. I strongly suspect that the noise spikes you are getting are just due to the vibrations of your rod. (depending on the ratio length/cross section of your rod, you can get significant vibrations at the end of your 38 cm rod. These vibrations will take the shape of oscillations around the main carrier signal, which definitely look like what I am seeing in your signal).
Note: The Kalman filter is way overkill to do a simple filtering of noisy data. Kalman filter is used when you want to calculate a value (a position if I follow your example) based on some noisy measurement, but to refine the calculations, the Kalman filter will also use a prediction of the position based on the previous state (position) and the inertial data (how fast you were rotating for example). For that prediction you need a "model" of the behavior of your system, which you do not seem to have.
In your case, you would need to calculate the acceleration seen by the accelerometer based on the (known or theoretical) rotation speed of the shaft at any point of time, the distance of the accell to the center of rotation, and probably to make it more precise, a dynamic model of the main vibration modes of your rod. Then for each step, compare that to the actual measurement... seems a bit heavy for your case.
Look at the quick figure explaining the Kalman filter process in this wikipedia entry : Kalman filter, and read on if you want to understand it more.