I am configuring a CVS server on a RedHat 6.
I want to create my cvs repository in the directory /home/my_cvs_user_name/my_cvsroot
but I do not want my cvs users know the real path to that repository on the server.
Now, the user need to do:
export CVSROOT=:pserver:username1@my_server_name:/home/my_cvs_user_name/my_cvsroot
cvs login
How can I configure CVS so that they can connect to the cvs server with a url such as:
export CVSROOT=:pserver:username1@my_server_name:/my_cvsroot
cvs login
You should be able to just use a symbolic link. eg.
ln -s /home/my_cvs_user_name/my_cvsroot /my_cvsroot
You might need to play around with permissions, but it seems unlikely given they would already have had correct access when it was in your home directory.