My Accumulo instance was corrupted. When I started up my instance it threw an error stating that my metadata table was corrupt. I then backed up my data from the Accumulo directory in hdfs and did an init on my instance. What I failed to realize is that the Accumulo table names are not listed in the data that I backed up. The table names are ints. Is there any place that has a conversion between the ints and the table names? Or did I screw myself over by doing the init and blowing away Zookeeper?
If you blew away ZooKeeper, then yes, you're out of luck, sadly. Same goes for the table configuration which is also stored in ZooKeeper.
If you can piece together the table names from the HDFS files (try accumulo rfile-info <path_in_hdfs>
to inspect the rfiles), you can always try to import the RFiles to your new instance. may also help.
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