I've found multiple ways to format a rounded number, but what I am looking for is how to tell which way a number is rounded, specifically in SSRS 2014:
=IIF(Round(Fields!IMPERVIOUS_AREA.Value/4000,2,MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)=Floor(0),"Round Up","Round Down")
I would like to see in my results 5.73 to be "Rounded Up" and 2.09 to be "Rounded Down", but all I keep getting is "Rounded Down". I've tried putting =Ceiling(0)
and =Floor(0)
in my statement, hoping it could evaluate true or false.
always rounds up to the nearest integer.
decides which way to round based on the common rules.
So it follows that testing if Ceiling(value) = Round(value)
will tell you whether the value was rounded up.
=IIF(Ceiling(value) = Floor(value), "Value was already an integer.", IIF(Ceiling(value) = Round(value), "Value was Rounded Up.", "Value was Rounded Down."))