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Cordova sqliteplugin karma test description

Hello I want to implement some test cases for my ionic framework application which uses cordova sqliteplugin to get data from a sqlite database.

I'm very new in writing test cases for angularjs.

My goal is to test if there is data coming for my service.

Well in my app.js I open the database with this:

angular.module('starter', ['ionic','', 'starter.controllers', 'starter.config','ngCordova'])

.run(function($ionicPlatform, $cordovaSQLite, $ionicLoading) {
  $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {

    var dbName = 'testDB.db';
    if(window.cordova) {
      db = $cordovaSQLite.openDB(dbName);


My services.js are looking like this:

angular.module('', ['ngCordova'])


    var getAllProducts = function() {
        var productList = [];

        var query = "SELECT as name, as id FROM cars as c ORDER BY";
        $cordovaSQLite.execute(db, query, []).then(function(res) {

            if(res.rows.length > 0) {

                for(var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) {
                    productList.push({id: res.rows.item(i).id, name: res.rows.item(i).name});

        }, function (err) {

        return productList;

    return {
        getAllProducts: getAllProducts


And my test description to test the service looks like this:

describe('ProductService unit tests', function () {
    var ProductService;


    beforeEach(inject(function(_ProductService_) {
        ProductService = _ProductService_;

    it('can get an instance', inject(function(ProductService) {

    it('should get some products from the database', inject(function(ProductService) {

If I run the test I get:

TypeError: 'null' is not an object (evaluating 'n.transaction')

I think its because the database is not really initialized during the test, so I tried to mock the starter app but it didn't solve the problem. I tried to google on this but could not find any examples or tutorials for karma with sqlite and angularjs.

Thanks for any help.


  • I had the same issue and it turned out the db was not initialized. I ended up creating the factory for db to inject in the services you need

    .factory('DB', function($cordovaSQLite) {
    var db = $cordovaSQLite.openDB("my.db");
    $cordovaSQLite.execute(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cards (id integer primary key,question  text, answer text)");
      return db;

    Injecting in the controller :

    .controller('CardsCtrl', function($scope, $http, $ionicSwipeCardDelegate,$cordovaSQLite,DB) {
       var query = "SELECT * FROM cards ";
      $cordovaSQLite.execute(DB, query,[]).then(function(res) {
      if(res.rows.length > 0) { stuff...                                                           
     } else {
        }, function (err) {