I have a project to practice my Python skills:
I am already able to do all these things independently. Now, the challenge is to make everything work together! :)
To update my Google Spreadsheet, I am using gspread.
However, to update a cell, I need to indicate the row and column of the cell like this:
worksheet.update_acell('B1', 'Bingo!')
I am trying to have a counter in my script extracting the tweets. The goal is to have B1 to change to B2, then B3, then B4, each time a tweet is found.
But it's not working... The coordinates are printed out on my Terminal, but that's it.
I guess I am not using the class as I am supposed to. But I don't understand where is my error!
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import tweepy
import gspread
import time
class MyStream(tweepy.StreamListener):
def __init__(self):
# I added this to have a counter.
self.n = 2
def on_status(self, tweet):
longitude = str(tweet.coordinates['coordinates'][0])
latitude = str(tweet.coordinates['coordinates'][1])
print longitude
print latitude
# I added this to update my google spreadsheet with the coordinates
self.wks.update_acell(('A' + str(n)), longitude)
self.wks.update_acell(('B' + str(n)), latitude)
print "Spreadsheet updated!"
# This is for my counter
self.n += 1
def main():
#I added these two lines to connect to my google spreadsheet
gc = gspread.login('EMAIL', 'PASSWORD')
wks = gc.open('SPREADSHEET_NAME').sheet1
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
auth.set_access_token(USER_KEY, USER_SECRET)
stream = tweepy.Stream(auth, MyStream(), timeout=50)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I'm having trouble testing this myself (mostly because I'm not familiar with how tweepy.Stream
works, I think), but it looks like your MyStream
instance never gets its wks
attribute set in the first place.
This means that when you refer to self.wks
, it likely raises an AttributeError
, but you never see it because of your try
block. (Incidentally, this is why except: pass
tends to be so hard to troubleshoot.)
You'll probably want to make MyStream
take an additional wks
argument, something like so:
def __init__(self, wks):
# Store the worksheet on this instance.
self.wks = wks
# I added this to have a counter.
self.n = 2
And then change the line where you instantiate MyStream
so you now pass that worksheet as an argument:
stream = tweepy.Stream(auth, MyStream(wks), timeout=50)