I want to email the output of a MySQL command, I wrote the following script but it doesn't work, where am I going wrong?
mysql --user=me --password=00045344534 john_e56
SELECT table_schema,table_name,update_time
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE update_time > (NOW() - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE);
INTO OUTFILE '/mysqlchanges.txt'
mutt -s "mysql changes" me123@mail.com -a /mysqlchanges.txt < /mail.txt
What error are you getting?
I'm not sure how INTO OUTFILE works, but 99% it requires write access to the file you're telling it to write to. In your query the output file is right in the root (/) partition. I doubt the user mysql is run from allows to write there. If you're on *nix box, create a file in your home
touch /home/ubuntu/mysqlchanges.txt
sudo chown mysql:mysql /home/ubuntu/mysqlchanges.txt
in your shell first. Then to test you can do
su mysql
echo "" > /home/ubuntu/mysqlchanges.txt
and if that works with no error, you can modify your query to output to this file and mutt to get that file as attachment:
mysql --user=me --password=00045344534 john_e56
SELECT table_schema,table_name,update_time
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE update_time > (NOW() - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE);
INTO OUTFILE '/home/ubuntu/mysqlchanges.txt'
mutt -s "mysql changes" me123@mail.com -a /home/ubuntu/mysqlchanges.txt < /mail.txt
Assuming ubuntu
is your user and mysql runs on behalf of mysql
If I understood your request right, you just need to receive the output of this SQL query:
SELECT table_schema,table_name,update_time
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE update_time > (NOW() - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE);
onto your mailbox me123@mail.com
If it's not crucial to make it as attachment and just plain text in body is fine, then have a look at this bash command:
mysql -u me -p00045344534 -e 'SELECT table_schema,table_name,update_time FROM information_schema.tables WHERE update_time > (NOW() - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE);' | mutt -s "mysql changes" me123@mail.com --
first it launches that query with output to STDOUT
, then pipes it to mutt