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Modifying SOAP XML namespace with Savon gem

I'm attempting to modify one of the namespaces in my Savon SOAP call. Here is how my request looks:

HTTPI GET request to (excon)
SOAP request:
SOAPAction: "urn:IVerosPathway/VerosPathway_Ping", Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8, Content-Length: 434
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:soapenv="">

I've had to do a ton of tweaking since this company expects it's clients to use .NET for their SOAP interaction and we are using Ruby. I am extremely close to getting the format correct, but I need to do one of two things in the Envelope section:

  1. Change "xmlns="" to "xmlns:wsdl=""
  2. OR remove "xmlns="" completely.

Here is my Savon call:

apiClient = Savon.client(endpoint: "", env_namespace: :soapenv, namespace_identifier: nil, logger: Rails.logger, log_level: :debug, log: true, :pretty_print_xml => true, ssl_version: :TLSv1, wsdl: '')

If I add the following line to my Savon call:

namespaces: {"xmlns:wsdl" => ""}

then my request looks like this:

HTTPI GET request to (excon)
    SOAP request:
    SOAPAction: "urn:IVerosPathway/VerosPathway_Ping", Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8, Content-Length: 434
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsdl="">

So in this case I would just need to remove the "xmlns="" line.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



  • I finally figured it out. All I needed to do was add the following line to my Savon call:

    namespace: ""

    So my final Savon call looks like:

    apiClient = Savon.client(
        endpoint: "",
        namespace: "", 
        env_namespace: :soapenv, 
        namespace_identifier: nil, 
        logger: Rails.logger, 
        log_level: :debug, 
        log: true, 
        :pretty_print_xml => true, 
        ssl_version: :TLSv1, 
        wsdl: ''