I am testing a website that in production environments uses bash and python scripts to simulate users. I am familiar with Selenium (Java flavour) to test the front end but without these scripts running in the background there isn't much to test.
Is there a plug in for Selenium to run linux command/bash scripts or a separate tool all together to automate the entire process? This is a basic process that I need to automate:
Log in to Front End → check current user activity (should be 0) → run python/bash scripts → check new levels of activity are picked up by the system in the front end → run various tests on the data in the front end.
If you implement Seleniums python binding as a python script together with Fabric, then you should have no problems checking browser with Selenium and executing scripts on the external server with Fabric. Actually i am currently doing a similar project with Selenium, Fabric and PhantomJS (you could also look at that).
So have a deeper look in: