Search code examples

Oracle - iterate over tables and check for values in attribute

For all tables in X, while X is

select table_name from all_tab_cols
where column_name = 'MY_COLUMN'
and owner='ADMIN'

I need to check, if the column MY_COLUMN has other values than 'Y' or 'N' and if it does, print out the table name.

Pseudo code:

for table in X:
    if MY_COLUMN !='Y' or MY_COLUMN !='N':
        print table

How to implement that in PL/SQL, with cursors I guess?


  • Following should work:

      counter NUMBER;
      cursor c1 is 
        select table_name from all_tab_cols
        where column_name = 'MY_COLUMN'
        and owner='ADMIN';
      FOR rec IN c1 LOOP
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select count(*) into :counter from '|| rec.table_name ||' where MY_COLUMN!= ''Y'' and MY_COLUMN!= ''N'' ';
        if counter > 0 then
        end if;
      END LOOP;

    Basically we open a cursor with all tables containing that column, do a count for rows that have different values than Y or N, and if that count > 0, print the table.