I'm working with a ZIP file that was given to me. When extracted, the contents of the zip file are as follows:
~/java/aem/Demo-Combined $ tree
│ └── vault
│ ├── config.xml
│ ├── definition
│ │ ├── thumbnail
│ │ │ ├── file
│ │ │ └── file.dir
│ │ └── thumbnail.png
│ ├── filter.xml
│ ├── nodetypes.cnd
│ └── properties.xml
└── jcr_root
├── apps
│ └── proxy
│ └── install
│ └── proxy-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
└── etc
└── packages
└── demo-team
├── Users-1.0.1.zip
├── Users-1.0.1.zip.dir
│ └── _jcr_content
│ └── _vlt_definition
│ ├── thumbnail
│ │ ├── file
│ │ └── file.dir
│ └── thumbnail.png
├── Workflow-1.0.1.zip
└── Workflow-1.0.1.zip.dir
└── _jcr_content
└── _vlt_definition
├── thumbnail
│ ├── file
│ └── file.dir
└── thumbnail.png
When I upload and install this package to http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/index.jsp
Three separate packages get installed
Filters for each one are as follows:
Filters: /etc/workflow/scripts/delta
Filters: /home/groups/delta
Filters: /etc/packages/demo-team/Users-1.0.1.zip
Everything installs fine but I don't know how to launch this so that I can test it in my browser.
When I go to http://localhost:4502/siteadmin
I don't see it in the left navigation. How can I launch this in my browser so that I may begin testing/playing around with it?
The website section basically shows the nodes below /content.
Those packages contain no content, so nothing will appear there. It seems they contain a bundle, some workflows and a test users.
I guess what you want is to test a workflow. You can do that in any page, even a geometrixx one