Is it possible to add a Criteria to a NearQuery?
Currently I am doing this:
public List<UserLocation> getUserNearLocation(Point p, double min, double max){
NearQuery query = NearQuery.near(p).minDistance(new Distance(min, Metrics.KILOMETERS)).maxDistance(new Distance(max, Metrics.KILOMETERS));
GeoResults<UserLocation> results = mongoTemplate.geoNear(query, UserLocation.class);
List<UserLocation> all = new ArrayList<UserLocation>();
Iterator<GeoResult<UserLocation>> iter = results.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()){
GeoResult<UserLocation> temp =;
return all;
I would like to add another criteria to the query, is it possible and how?
just add an additional query like shown below.
NearQuery query = NearQuery.near(new Point(1, 2)).query(Query.query(Criteria.where("foo").is("bar")));