In my Android app I´m using Universal Image Loader library for showing photos from the SD card in the GridView. I also set cacheInMemory(true) (like here: UIL).
For showing the pictures I´m using ArrayAdapter with ViewHolder pattern.
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View row = convertView;
ViewHolder holder = null;
File item = data.get(position);
if (row == null) {
holder = new ViewHolder();
row = mInflater.inflate(layoutResourceId, null);
holder.image = (ImageView) row.findViewById(;
} else {
holder = (ViewHolder) row.getTag();
if (item.isFile()) {
String uri = Uri.fromFile(f).toString();
String decodedUri = Uri.decode(uri);
Globals.ImageLoader.displayImage(decodedUri, holder.image);
return row;
When scrolling through the library, thumbnails are refreshing every time you scroll past them, and refreshing when scrolling past them again. And it´s not very comfortable for user. I want save the images to the memory and load them quickly.
Is it possible?
I added some others params to the UIL:
From config and it´s look ok.