On de.dbpedia, I'm running the following query:
SELECT distinct *
?name dcterms:subject category-de:Haus_Liechtenstein.
?name rdf:type foaf:Person.
Optional {?name <http://de.dbpedia.org/ontology/deathDate> ?deathDate}
MINUS {?name dbpedia-owl:deathDate ?d}
SERVICE silent <http://dbpedia.org/sparql>{
?name dcterms:subject category-en:Princely_Family_of_Liechtenstein.
?name rdf:type foaf:Person.
Optional {?name <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/deathDate> ?deathDate}
MINUS {?name <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/deathDate> ?d}
Getting the following error:
Virtuoso 42000 Error SR186: No permission to execute procedure DB.DBA.SPARUL_LOAD_SERVICE_DATA with user ID 106, group ID 106
Is there a way to grant permission? How can I get my results? btw: the "Optional" is only to check if I get the correct results...
Thanks a lot in advance
Your query has multiple issues. First, you need to replace both your <http://de.dbpedia.org/ontology/deathDate>
with dbpedia-owl:deathDate
. Second, I am assuming you are trying to get all the ?deathDate
s and then filter the ones that have no ?deathDate
. If so, this is the query you need to write without getting into trouble with permissions:
SELECT distinct *
?name dcterms:subject category-de:Haus_Liechtenstein.
?name rdf:type foaf:Person.
Optional {?name dbpedia-owl:deathDate ?deathDate}
SERVICE silent <http://dbpedia.org/sparql>{
?name dcterms:subject category-en:Princely_Family_of_Liechtenstein.
?name rdf:type foaf:Person.
Optional {?name dbpedia-owl:deathDate ?deathDate}
filter (!bound(?deathDate))