I have created a class for writing sql query in which i have used late static binding concept and i am trying to call its insert method in different class to insert the values here is sqlQuery class
class sqlQuery
public static $table=" table 1 ";
public static $colum1=" colum1 ";
public static $colum2=" colum2 ";
public static $colum3=" colum3 ";
public static $colum4=" colum4 ";
public $value1=" value1 ";
public $value2=" value2 ";
public function insert( $value1,$value2)
echo "INSERT INTO" .static::$table ."(" . static::$colum1 .' , ' .static ::$colum2. ") VALUES('$value1' , '$value2')" ;
And this is my second class file where i am using insert method from first class what i am trying to do, get the table name and Column from this class using late static binding....please help how can i do this...here is my 2nd class file
class gallery extends logo
public $object;
public static $colum1=" status ";
public static $colum2=" order ";
public static $colum3=" colum3 ";
public static $colum4=" colum4 ";
function __construct()
//$this->object=new sqlQuery();
function insert()
$query=new sqlQuery();
$query1=new sqlQuery();
Help me thanks in advance.....
Late static binding is about parent - children relationships. It's unclear what you want to get. You should have some subclass of sqlQuery to use late static binding. Something like
class gallerySqlQuery extends sqlQuery
protected static $colum1=" status "; // better private or protected
protected static $colum2=" order "; // you don't need it to be public
protected static $colum3=" colum3 ";
protected static $colum4=" colum4 ";
in the gallery class you should call the method of this class
$query1=new gallerySqlQuery();
Then, you don't need to declare all these public static $colum1 etc in the sqlQuery class.