How can I get mapWith property of a domain class?
I tried domainClass.mapWith as it's a static property of domain class.It didn't work. I also tried mappedBy but it's a different context.
Any idea on how can i get mapWith value from GrailsDomainClass
Below is my domain:-
public class Ticket {
String id
List<Long> productInstanceId
static hasMany = [productInstanceId:Long]
static mapWith = "none"
If you are doing a direct check on a particular domain then you can fetch the static property with domain class. In your case it would be Ticket.mapWith
or Ticket.class.mapWith
If you are doing a dynamic check then you can find it with the help of DefaultGrailsDomainClass
GrailsDomainClass aClass = new DefaultGrailsDomainClass(clazz)