I define the font resources with
var res = {
indieflower_ttf: {type:"font", name:"IndieFlower", srcs:["res/fonts/IndieFlower.ttf"]},
And create a TTF label with:
var text = cc.LabelTTF.create(text, "IndieFlower", bubble.fontsize, cc.size(60,0),cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT, cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP);
and will display is ok in Firefox and Chrome, but will show the default font (Arial) on Android.
What else is to do? I checked the thread Cocos2d-js: How to use a custom ttf font on android devices?, but it doesn't help.
The problem is, that the native platforms need the full path of the ttf font, while the html platform needs the font name. I got two solutions from the cocos2d-x forum:
Use bitmap fonts. (Yes ... but I wanted to have ttf)
Code it:
In the resource file I have now:
var res = {
indieflower_ttf: {type:"font", name:"IndieFlower", srcs:["res/fonts/IndieFlower.ttf"]},
Then a helper function:
var _b_getFontName = function(resource) {
if (cc.sys.isNative) {
return resource.srcs[0];
} else {
return resource.name;
And to create a label:
var text = cc.LabelTTF.create("text", _b_getFontName(res.indieflower_ttf), 48, cc.size(300,0),cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, cc.VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP);