I am using the rest-client gem to try and make a post to my API.
The RestClient.post helper requires three arguments to pass headers like that: .post(url, params, headers). Have you tried something more like this?
RestClient.post('http://api.example.com/', {key: 'value'}, authorization: 'a2m...')
I have followed the advice above but receive RestClient::Unauthorized - 401 Unauthorized
as the response.
My code:
RestClient.post "http://api.example-dev.com:7000/v1/resources", {key: 'value'}, :authorization => 'yyyyyyyy'
I have success with the below curl command but not the above RestClient.post. Successful curl:
curl -i -X POST -d 'test[key]=1234' -H "Authorization: Token token=yyyyyyyyyyyyyy" \ http://api.example-dev.com:7000/v1/resources
This should produce the same request as curl:
`RestClient.post "http://api.example-dev.com:7000/v1/resources", {:test => {key: '1234'}}, :authorization => 'Token token=yyyyyyyyyyyyyy'`