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MASM32 error A2070: invalid instruction operands

I have an assembly32 code for Hanoi, but I can't compile it, i get the error: hanoi.asm(9) : error A2070: invalid instruction operands I use MASM32.

The full code:

PUBLIC        _towers
EXTERN  _printf:NEAR
_towers:PUSH  EBP
        MOV   EBP, ESP
        SUB   ESP, 4
        CMP   [EBP+8], 1   ;ERROR
        JNE   L1
        MOV   EAX, [EBP+16]
        PUSH  EAX
        MOV   EAX, [EBP+12]
        PUSH  EAX
        PUSH  OFFSET FLAT:format;
        CALL  _printf
        ADD   ESP, 12
        JMP   Done
L1:     MOV   EAX, 6
        SUB   EAX, [EBP+12]
        SUB   EAX, [EBP+16]
        MOV   [EBP-4], EAX
        PUSH  EAX
        MOV   EAX, [EBP+12]
        PUSH  EAX
        MOV   EAX, [EBP+8]
        DEC   EAX
        PUSH  EAX
        CALL  _towers
        ADD   ESP, 12
        MOV   EAX, [EBP+16]
        PUSH  EAX
        MOV   EAX, [EBP+12]
        PUSH  EAX
        PUSH   1
        CALL   _towers
        ADD   ESP,12
        MOV   EAX, [EBP+16]
        PUSH  EAX
        MOV   EAX, [EBP-4]
        PUSH  EAX
        MOV   EAX, [EBP+8]
        DEC   EAX
        PUSH  EAX
        CALL  _towers
        ADD   ESP, 12
Done:   MOV   ESP,EBP
        POP   EBP
        RET   0
format  DB "Move from %d to %d\n"

Can you please help me, how can I make this work?


  • Your code didn't work for me, I ran it but something is wrong with the algorithm, it never found the solution.

    So, here is another hanoi towers solution that actually works. It's made with EMU8086 (MASM Intel syntax), you just copy-paste and run :

    .model small
    .stack 300H
    x dw 3
    text db "Move from peg "
    d1 db ?
    text2 db " to peg "
    d2 db ?
    newline db 0AH, 0DH, '$'
    main proc
        mov ax, @data
        mov ds, ax
        mov ax, 1
        push ax
        mov ax, 3
        push ax
        mov ax, 2
        push ax
        mov ax, x
        push ax
        call solve
        mov ax, 4C00H
        int 21h
    main endp
    solve proc
       push bp
       mov bp, sp
       cmp word ptr ss:[bp+4], 0
       je down
       push word ptr ss:[bp+0AH]
       push word ptr ss:[bp+6]
       push word ptr ss:[bp+8]
       mov ax, word ptr ss:[bp+4]
       dec ax
       push ax
       call solve
       push word ptr ss:[bp+0AH]
       push word ptr ss:[bp+08]
       call print
       push word ptr ss:[bp+06H]
       push word ptr ss:[bp+8]
       push word ptr ss:[bp+0AH]
       mov ax, word ptr ss:[bp+4]
       dec ax
       push ax
       call solve
       pop bp
       ret 8
       pop bp
       ret 8
    solve endp
    print proc
       push bp
       mov bp, sp
       mov d1, '0'
       mov al, byte ptr ss:[bp+06]
       add d1, al
       mov d2, '0'
       mov al, byte ptr ss:[bp+4]
       add d2, al
       lea dx, text
       mov ah, 09
       int 21h
       pop bp
       ret 4
    print endp

    Remember what I said about initialization data? Well, this one has it! Maybe that's why it works.