I already have a Ractive instance (or component - it could be either) and I want to add it to a list in another Ractive instance. Something like this:
var ListItemOne = new Ractive({
data: { key: "hello" }
var ListItemTwo = new Ractive({
data: { key: "world" }
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: "#output",
template: "#template",
data: { greeting: 'hi', name: 'there',
listItems: [
<p>{{greeting}} {{name}}!</p>
Or using a method:
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: "#output",
template: "#template",
data: {
greeting: 'hi', name: 'there',
listItems: []
addListItem: function(listItem){
Is it possible to use Ractive in this way?
Please note that I do not want this:
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: "#output",
template: "#template",
data: { greeting: 'hi', name: 'there',
listItems: [
{ key: "hello" },
{ key: "world" }
As I already have the Ractive instances/components, and I am using MVP to define explicitly define the interface between application and view.
The items in the list are ractive instances, so you have to call the get method to access their data if you want to use them that way (see http://jsbin.com/nomutofati/1/edit?html,js,output):