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Speed up simplex algorithm

I am playing around with a great simplex algorithm I have found here:

I have created a jsfiddle where I have set up a model and I solve the problem using the algorithm above.

The model is basically a long array of variables and constraints. You can think of it as trying to find the cheapest means of transportation of passengers between different hubs (countries), where each country has a minimum demand for passengers, a maximum supply of passengers, and each connection has a price. I don't care where passengers go, I just want to find the cheapest way to distribute them. To achieve this I use the following minimising objective:

model = {
        "optimize": "cost",
            "opType": "min",
            "constraints": { \\etc... 

I am happy with the model and the answer provided by the algorithm ... but the latter takes a very long time to run (>15 seconds...) Is there any possible way I can speed up the calculation?

Kind regards and thank you. G.


  • Figured it out. The most expensive piece of the code was the pivoting operation; which it turns out was doing a lot of work to update the matrix by adding 0. Doing a little logic up front to prevent this dropped my run-time down on node from ~12 seconds to ~0.5.

        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            if (i !== row) {
                pivot_row = tbl[i][col];
                for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                    // No point in doing math if you're just adding
                    // Zero to the thing
                    if (pivot_row !== 0 && tbl[row][j] !== 0) {
                        tbl[i][j] += -pivot_row * tbl[row][j];