I'm using Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
Right now I have a job with this command in Jenkins
in the command line arguments for a build step:
This is the command:
"%WORKSPACE%\OEVizion\ITVizion.OEVizion.Web\ITVizion.OEVizion.Web.csproj" /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile="IT Vizion - Web Deploy Package for a given domain.pubxml"
It works just fine, that is, the web deploy package (.zip) is created in the specified folder defined in the .pubxml
However what I'd like to do is to generate a .zip
web deploy package for each of the .pubxml files that I have (right now 3) for this specific ITVizion.OEVizion.Web.csproj
in a single shot\command.
With this I'd have multiple .zip packages with different settings ready to be deployed to different servers every time a commit is pushed to the repository and the project builds successfully.
Is this possible? How should I approach this?
After posting the question I saw the way to go about this: Add multiple build steps. One for each .pubxml
file. That way the build process will run 3 times for the 3 publish profiles and you'll end up with 3 web deploy .zip
packages at the end of the Job execution in Jenkins. Nice.