On my application I have 25 workers that are randomly used by different users' actions.
Only one simultaneous (active / busy) work is allowed by each user.
It can't be blocked on the controller because the idea is not to block the action creation. Actions need to be created but hold in line till all previos requests by the same user are processed and only after that a worker will be (re)-assigned for the same user.
If another user, in the meantime, requests a job creation, it should start instantly if at least one of the 24 remaining workers are available.
Is there any way to look for the queue line and use its parameters to build the processing condition?
You can use Sidekiq Unique Jobs
with this approach only 1 job with the same params will be simultaneous present.
so create model
class UserJobs
belongs_to :user
class User
has_many :user_jobs
class Worker
sidekiq_options unique: true
def perform params
user = User.find(params[:id])
user.user_jobs.order('id asc').each do |job|
than when you need run any job for user do:
user.user_jobs.create worker_class: Klass, params: params
Worker.perform_async(user_id: user.id)