I would like to perform a JUnit Parametrized test with data being external. I have a list of objects and just need to know how I can convert that to a collection of object arrays. I see the below stack overflow question, but I want to add data from a file which is read from my method.
Parameterized JUnit tests with non-primitive parameters?
Working code: something like this:
public class sampletest {
private BranchMailChildSample branch;
public sampletest(BranchMailChildSample branch)
this.branch = branch;
public static Collection<Object[]> data()
String excel = "C:\\Resources\\TestData\\ExcelSheets\\BranchMail\\branchmail_TestData.xlsx";
ExcelMarshallerTool tool = new ExcelMarshallerTool(excel);
List<BranchMailChildSample> items = tool.unmarshallExcel(BranchMailChildSample.class);
//RIGHT HERE I NEED HELP: Convert list to Collection<Object[]>
//return items as Collection of object arrays
public void test()
You don't have to convert the list.
public class SampleTest {
@Parameters(name = "{0}")
public static List<BranchMailChildSample> data() {
String excel = "C:\\Resources\\TestData\\ExcelSheets\\BranchMail\\branchmail_TestData.xlsx";
ExcelMarshallerTool tool = new ExcelMarshallerTool(excel);
return tool.unmarshallExcel(BranchMailChildSample.class);
public BranchMailChildSample branch;
public void test() {
I used field injection, because it needs less code than constructor injection. Setting the name to the object under test prints more helpful output. Please have a look at the documentation of the Parameterized runner.
You can use constructor injection if you don't like the public field.
public class SampleTest {
@Parameters(name = "{0}")
public static List<BranchMailChildSample> data() {
String excel = "C:\\Resources\\TestData\\ExcelSheets\\BranchMail\\branchmail_TestData.xlsx";
ExcelMarshallerTool tool = new ExcelMarshallerTool(excel);
return tool.unmarshallExcel(BranchMailChildSample.class);
private final BranchMailChildSample branch;
public SampleTest(BranchMailChildSample branch) {
this.branch = branch;
public void test() {