Search code examples

Siren "more like this" query

i am using the newest Siren distribution for Solr to index my data and search it. (

Is there a simple way to search similar documents in my indexed data. Something similar to the MoreLikeThis query of Solr (

My goal is to find documents that have a similar json structure that the one i am interested in.

best, Bernd


  • If I remember SIREn stores the RDF representation of each resource within a dedicated field of the Solr document. I don't think the default MLT component that comes with Solr works for your scenario.
    I mean, enabling that component will produce some kind of result but I don't believe that it will follow your json "similarity" requirement.

    On top of that I suggest you to post your request on SIREn mailing list [1]: I'm sure the dev team will address you on the right path.
