My goal is to make a sound equalizer software; after a little bit of research, I found out that I would need to generate a pink noise, record it with a microphone, and compare the two spectrums.
So far, I only have generated a Pink Noise with the Aquila library in C++ which use the Voss algorithm, it sound fine though a little less loud that the sample on Wikipedia which is “normalized to -1 dBFS peak”.
I wanted to obtain the power per ⅓ Octave Band, here is a pseudo code of what I’ve done, using this post which helped me a lot:
Aquila::PinkNoiseGenerator pinkNoise(44100); // sampleFrequency = 44.1 kHz
PinkNoise.setAmplitude(65536 / 2); // sampleAmplitude = 65536
PinkNoise.generate(32768); //
Aquila::SpectrumType spectrum = Aquila::fft(PinkNoise); // contain ComplexeType(real, imaginary)
double frequency, db;
for (i = 0; i <= (32768 / 2); i++)
frequency = (i * 44100) / 32768;
foreach (thirdOctave : o)
if (frequency >= o.min && frequency < o.max)
db = Aquila::db(spectrum[i]); // How it’s done :
o.result += db;
foreach(thirdOctave : o)
print(“From “ + o.min + “ Hz to “ + o.max + “ Hz - Result = “ + o.result);
Here are what is displayed :
From 14.1 Hz to 17.8 Hz - Result = 393.421
From 17.8 Hz to 22.4 Hz - Result = 375.055
From 22.4 Hz to 28.2 Hz - Result = 520.531
From 891 Hz to 1122 Hz - Result = 19048.2
From 1122 Hz to 1413 Hz - Result = 23770.9
From 1413 Hz to 1778 Hz - Result = 29700.3
From 11220 Hz to 14130 Hz - Result = 214689
From 14130 Hz to 17780 Hz - Result = 268036
Which leads to my questions :
1 - From what I understood each result should be approximately the same, which is clearly not the case here. Is there something (probably simple) that I’m doing wrong ?
2 - The db value that I’m getting are between 100 and 130, but on every graphic that I’m looking the values are negative. Same question as above, is there something I should do in addition to the Aquila::db method ?
Thanks for your time.
PS : I’d like to point out that signal processing is a new thing for me and I did some research, but I might have use some terms in the wrong way.
You want to first add up the spectrum magnitudes, and then take the db (your code seems to do the opposite.) The log of a sum is very different from the sum of the log values.
dB is often reported for magnitudes below some reference level. Since that ratio will be less than 100%, the log of that ratio will be negative.