I have a complicated SQL which I run with DB[sql]
. One of the columns is the result of array_agg
applied to row
(like this: array_agg(row(description, amount)::my_type)
) and what I get from DB
is a string as follows:
I have Sequel on my project and I am aware of the pg_array
and pg_row
extensions but I haven't found a way of converting this string to a hash or array without using something dirty such as:
raw = "{\"(aaaa,11111111.0000000000)\",\"(bbbbb,22222222.0000000000)\",\"(vvvvvv,33333333.0000000000)\"}"
Hash[raw.delete('"(){}').split(',').each_slice(2).to_a].each do ... end
Is it possible to convert this string to hash or array using Sequel?
You can use the pg_row and pg_array extensions and have the result be returned as an array of hashes (or custom objects). Check the documentation for those extensions:
http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/rdoc-plugins/files/lib/sequel/extensions/pg_row_rb.html http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/rdoc-plugins/files/lib/sequel/extensions/pg_array_rb.html
This may be as simple as:
DB.extension :pg_array, :pg_row