I am looping through a query and want to set the name of a struct key and its value dynamically. But I can't seem to get it to work because its not interpreting the dynamic value properly - it thinks its the actual name of the key. Here's what I mean
<cfloop query="rsSettings">
<cfset APPLICATION.Config.Settings[rsSettings.CompanyID] = StructNew()>
<cfset APPLICATION.Config.Settings[rsSettings.CompanyID].#rsSettings.Name#" = rsSettings.SettingValue/>
I need the #rsSettings.Name#
part to be the name value stored in that recordset e.g. "MaxOrders"
I tried putting quotes around it like this <cfset APPLICATION.Config.Settings[rsSettings.CompanyID]."rsSettings.Name" = rsSettings.SettingValue/>
but it doesn't work.
What can I do to make it accept a dynamic key name?
To make dynamic keys in a structure, you need to follow square []
braces notation. You can do it as follows:
<cfloop query="rsSettings">
<cfset APPLICATION.Config.Settings[rsSettings.CompanyID] = StructNew()>
<cfset APPLICATION.Config.Settings[rsSettings.CompanyID][rsSettings.Name] = rsSettings.SettingValue/>
If you have multiple settings for a company (as mentioned by Joe) that you are getting from rsSettings
query, then in that case you may need to check if the companyID already exists in APPLICATION.Config.Settings
. Like this:
<cfloop query="rsSettings">
<cfif NOT structKeyExists(APPLICATION.Config.Settings, rsSettings.CompanyID) >
<cfset APPLICATION.Config.Settings[rsSettings.CompanyID] = StructNew()>
<cfset APPLICATION.Config.Settings[rsSettings.CompanyID][rsSettings.Name] = rsSettings.SettingValue/>