I would like to know if there is a way to get the hostname of the server which has the problem through MongoDB MMS. By default they give only following details.
u'status': u'OPEN',
u'updated': u'2015-04-14T03: 24: 33Z',
u'links': [
u'href': u'https: //mms.mongodb.com/api/public/v1.0/groups/9b5ba/alerts/5521',
u'rel': u'self'
u'created': u'2015-04-14T03: 24: 33Z',
u'lastNotified': u'2015-04-14T03: 24: 41Z',
u'alertConfigId': u'0927',
u'eventTypeName': u'HOST_DOWN',
u'groupId': u'5baa',
u'typeName': u'HOST',
u'id': u'1012'
Try this:
curl -u "username:apiKey" --digest -i "https://mms.mongodb.com/api/public/v1.0/groups/533c5895b91030606f21033a/hosts/56e9378f601dc49360a40949c8a6df6c"
Founded this code from this link: https://docs.mms.mongodb.com/reference/api/hosts/
See, if that helps.