I am trying to import a dump to a database. the dump has a table called table1 which already exists in the database , that I was I used remap_table.
impdp schema/pass@server remap_table = table1:table_BR1 directory=TEST_DIR1 dumpfile=table_BR1.dmp logfile=table1.log
However the problem I am facing , its also creating the primary key and index, causing errors "constraints already exists" In my real scenario I have several tables.
My question , is there way that I can remap the tables without adding the primary keys and indexex ?
In IMPDP, you could use:
DATA_ONLY loads only table row data into existing tables; no database objects are created.
Other ways are,
You could explicitly specify not to import the indexes and constraints as command line arguments.
rows=Y indexes=N constraints=N
This would import only the data and not indexes and constraints.
Also, to suppress the error messages, you could ignore them:
To see a list of all import commands, do:
impdp help=y
Alternatively, if you know the INDEX names, you could use the EXCLUDE command.
For example,
This will exclude all indexes whose names start with dept.